Multi Rustic Slate Fireplace chamber panel insert
Our Multi rustic Spa;it Face slate fireplace chambers are made using a cement based back board and attaching rustic split face slate to it by means of a fire retardant adhesive up to 1200 degrees . These not only save you time and money when installing a log burner but they also look fantastic.
Each standard sized chamber comes in 3 parts 1 back panel and 2 side panels, if you need any wider than 800mm for the rear section these will come in equal 2 parts i.e. 1260mm wide one will come as 2 x 630mm pieces
COST Single £199.00 +vat Each
SizesOur Standard is 800 mm wide x 900mm high for the back panel and 400mm wide x 900mm high for the two side panels although we also offer a bespoke made to order option
These inserts for fireplaces make a great back drop for any new wood burner one installation as well as for electric and gas fires.
Sample of Rustic Slate From Fireplace Chamber panel
This is a small sample of the Multi Rustic split face we use on our fireplace chamber inserts approx 150 high x 90mm wide